If you can't find your language, Click here to download the English template file. Using this file you can create a translation file in your own language. The translation files are available for download directly from The clf file should be located in <aiClipboard Path>\data\aiClipboardSettings\
French - Adapted to 2.3.2 - by Lustucru
Italian - Adapted to 2.4.0 - by Vittorio Ierardi
Russian - Adapted to 2.1.6 - by Vasily "Halmet aka MT-LB" Pavlov
Spanish - Adapted to 2.0.5 - by Miguel Candelario
Dutch - Adapted to 2.0.5 - by Rvandermarkt
Czech - Adapted to 2.0.5 - by Vasad
Chinese Traditional (Ansi) - Adapted to 1.6.2 - by Danfong Hsieh
Chinese Traditional (Unicode) - Adapted to 1.6.2 - by Danfong Hsieh
Hebrew - Adapted to 1.7.0
German - Adapted to 1.3.1